The reasons why the EU is so unpopular is the lack of political astuteness on the part of the English voter.
Note I used the word English and not British because the Scots and the Welsh and the Northern Irish will remain in the EU.
The reasons I make this assertion is due to the inability for the English to see the advantages of being in the EU.
Why do you think the French and German people have a better standard of living and better conditions for their workers across the board?
Because they are more politically motivated and astute then the English.
As Napoleon said England is a nation of shopkeepers and whilst Europeans were revolutionising in England the people were fighting the progressiveness of Napoleonic Law and this is why the UK is trapped ina class system with a disparate voting population who have been hoodwinked to believe that the only thing that matters is owning your home and look at the mess this has made.
The EU has been good to British capitalists and farmers.
It's not a Poles fault if they can come here and make a decent wage at the expense of an Englander.
It's the bosses who supported the influx for them to exploit the Eastern Europeans and keep British people on the dole.
Tell me how much money do you think you'll save if the UK leaves the EU?
Who do you think picks your fruit and veg when you buy it at Tesco and Asda and why are these items priced as they are?
Because Europeans are breaking their backs in sodden fields to provide you with a salad.
Forget Al Qatada and the other triggers the Euro Sceptics use to arouse your anti European sentiment.This is what drives xenophobia and stupidity.
We need to re evaluate the political system in this country and be proud of what we can achieve by using Europe and the EU.
Some of your answerers are bordering on racist comments and naivety.
If any country leaves the EU it will be England and the English will rue the day because what working rights we have will be gone and it is the workers of a country who make that country great.
Do you wish to go back to Dickensian conditions?
I will go home to Scotland if England ever leaves Europe!